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tv   Ten O Clock News  FOX  January 7, 2012 10:00pm-10:45pm PST

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. great bay area news coverage starts right now. >> there is another showdown taking place in oakland tonight. this time protesters are taking their demonstrations to oakland police headquarters. good evening. i'm ken wayne. >> i'm heather holmes. right now officers are stationed around oakland police headquarters as a group of protesters, most of them in all black look to give an anti police message. jade live with the protesters and says what the situation is like. >> reporter: the protesters mara round the area several times, the second time that they came by they marked our van about a big a. you can hear
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that they slashed hour tire and even pulled our cables out of our van. you can see behind me this is quite a sight. more than radio police officers there still outside of police headquarters. this is what they faced. this sign says f the police. it's a video we shot earlier today. those -- were told by twitter to wear black and march to oakland police head quarterrers which explains the heavy police presence. the march was expected to start at eight tonight but we watched as the hundred or so gathered, stand at corner for an hour before they started to march at nine. they responded to drivers who honked and showed support, signs read stop the police and native americans united. we caught up with oakland mayor who explained to us her concern about the seemingly aggressive and possibly more volatile action planned for tonight.
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>> they have been -- seem to be trying to provoke incidents over the holidays and it -- i think that it they need to move on and do something that's more productive. >> reporter: oakland police wouldn't comment on camera about the action, not wanting to incite any other violent acts. they were stationed always several street corners and along broadway. they are not wearing riot gear. the occupy oakland website has no events planned until tomorrow so there is no way to tie this to the movement. this was announced by twitter, called at the police and several anarchist sites and police are still guarding police head quarterrers. we have seen several police officers move back to the plaza where the march started and started around 8:00 and then started to move around 9:00 down toward -- around the block and then came back and marched
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by. reporting live. jade hernandez. >> we have new information in a string of sexuala assaults in san francisco's mission district. police investigators have identified the suspect of three sexual assaults as a 32-year- old of san francisco. he is charged with a long list of crimes including attempted murder, assault with a deadly weapon, robbery and rape. authorities say a tip led them to him and dna evidence links him to the crimes. police say the suspect has attacked and robbed three women along 24th street since june. oakland police are investigating how a 6-year-old boy ended up wandering outside in the middle of the night. deborah is live with new details about how that child got out there. >> reporter: there were questions about what -- whether this youngster was actually abandoned in this parking lot. outside a chase bank early this morning but now police say he
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wandered here on his own. in the backseat of this patrol car a 6-year-old sits at 4:00 in the morning. calm and cooperative. >> he knew where he lived, he knew where -- what his name was. >> reporter: a passerby spotted him in the bank parking lot. >> said there is a small child here, something is not right. >> reporter: and waited with him until police arrived. >> he is a very bright little man and he was very helpful with the officers and with cps. >> reporter: cps, child protective services are caring for him now while investigators sort out what happened. it appears that the 6-year-old walked on his own from this condo complex. >> how did he wander in to the area, why, that's part of the investigation. >> a kid out here this time night. i be paranoid, scared to death. >> reporter: families in the area point out the dangers of
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fast, four lane traffic on the boulevard and the crime that is in the area, even here near the border. >> i think the parent is be held responsible. i think that's terrible. they need to watch their kids. >> reporter: police tracked down the boy's mother and have talked to her. >> that's what the investigation will reveal, was it negligence, childen dangerment orr just an accident? >> reporter: to soon to know the outcome but the boy seems healthy and well cared for and he is safe now, police say because of the person who found and watched over him. we are live in oakland. >> there were frightening moments this afternoon when a driver smashed her car right into a castro valley coffee shop. >> i hit the accelerator and went through the window of the coffee shop, thank god nobody known was hurt or sitting outside drinking coffee. >> it happened about noon on
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castro valley boulevard and the window destroyed. nobody was seriously hurt as the driver said. one man inside did cut his hand when he tripped and fell to avoid being hit. >> a sonoma county family out of a home tonight after an early morning fire. it happened around 12:30 near santa rosa. you can see flames shooting out from the roof. the family of four got out of the home unhurt and firefighters had the flames out in just a few minutes. they now say the fire started in the chimney. fire forced evacuation of a lucky supermarket this morning. crews say the one alarm fire broke out in the rear of the store around 8:00 a.m. flames and smoke were visible but they were able to contain the fire quickly. no injuries were reported and the store soon reopened. >> in 2012 election news tonight, dense but -- tense but civil debate as the candidates
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talked. it's almost the last stand before tuesday's primary that could be important for every candidate. steve brown. >> reporter: six republican candidates taking the stage in manchester new hampshire ahead of the tuesday primary. >> we have to nominate someone that can beat obama, that can get the tea party behind them, that can go to washington dc and stop the corrupt spending that's within going on. >> reporter: romney won iowa earlier by just eight votes, he is polling at the top of the new hampshire polls by a wide margin. it's no surprise to see him under attack tonight. >> his experience doesn't match u. the commander and chief isn't a ceo. . >> reporter: unlike other states in new hampshire undeclared voters or independents can take part in either primary. that is sending the republicans in to high gear appealing to those undecided. >> in the business i had we
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invested in over 100 different businesses and net net -- those businesses have now added over 100,000 jobs. i have a record of learning how to create jobs. >> reporter: huntsman is banking on new hampshire to boost his campaign, holding more than 160 events. >> i put both proposals forward. i delivered a flat tax for my state. i took my state to number one in job creation. >> reporter: and now it's half time. the debate tonight, then another one tomorrow morning to get their last look at all six candidates, all at once. in manchester, steve brown brown. >> at one point the candidates also discussed gay marriage. gingrich said full marriage equality is going to far. >> a huge jump from being understanding and concerned which we should be to saying we are there -- going to institute the sackment of marriage as though it has no basis. >> late tonight the post
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reported a casino mogul has donated $5 million to gingrich's super pack. he is a long time supporter of gingrich and said he will spend as much as 20 million. gingrich blames romney's super pack money for helping him loose in iowa. >> someone whose name can be mixes up with ron paul also campaigned today. >> vote vote vote. >> reporter: rue paul didn't promote a particular candidate. he urged people to show up tuesday and make their own choices. he denied interest in running himself. >> you know i'm really not a political person by nature. i -- i do believe that every time a man puts on a wig and heels it's making i political statement. >> the crowd in the diner used to seeing candidates by now gave him a warm welcome. >> san francisco mayor is set to be sworn in tomorrow for a full term in office. the ceremony is scheduled for
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11:00 a.m. tomorrow at the city hall. the former mayor and united states senator are expected to be at the event. liras appointed last year to serve out the remainder of the term after he resigned to be the lieutenant governor. lee was elected to a full term in november. the first african american to be mayor of richmond died today. he was first elected in 1965. then he was just the 2nd avenue can american elected to a city office in richmond. in 1985 when the mayor died in office the council picked him to complete the term. he went onto run and win out right in 1989. his colleagues remembered him as someone who worked the entire community. a councilmember said he ruled city council meeting was an iron fist but he ruled with it respect and dignity. he died this morning from complications of diabetes.
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he was 78. >> tomorrow is one year since the tucson shooting rampage and tonight gabreille giffords returned for the first time to the scene of the crime. she attended an event where a memorial was revealed at the safeway where the shooting happened. six people were killed and dozens were hurt including gifford whose was shot in the head. the suspected gunman has been found to have mental illness. a judge ruled he is not currently fit to stand trial. also today a 5k run in tuck conraised money for the home survivors fund. >> cotton swabs and a big crowd. how they could help save a life. >> a fire in the east bay claims the life of a 60-year- old woman. what investigators and neighbors have said about what happened here this morning. >> protesters hit the street
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over the foreclosure crisis. a neighborhood they decided to target today. the news continues in 90 seconds. ! dinner? candles?
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i wanted it to be special. oh, what's this? it's progresso's new loaded potato with bacon. mmm, it's good. honey, i love you and... oh my gosh, oh my gosh.. look at these big pieces of potato. yeah but honey, i love you and... is that what i think it is... it's bacon. honey look. [ male announcer ] progresso rich and hearty... 4 new flavors, you can lose yourself in. what's that? big piece of potato. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. . sponsors are calling it a record. more mixed race asian americans than ever before turned out for a bone marrow drive. it's to help save a 4-year-old
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peninsula boy. >> reporter: everybody was looking to be a match. >> a friend of mine about a little kid that need raise transplant. they are looking for someone who is half white, half asian and that's me. >> reporter: that little kid is 4-year-old kyle crawford. >> an amazing kid. he has a lot of energy, is he very creative in his play. >> reporter: he was a rare blood disorder. >> his marrow isn't making white, red cells. >> reporter: a transplant could cure him. people of color, especially of mixed race like kyle have a hard time finding matches. >> some certainly markers more prevalent in each race. the odds of finding a match will be from someone like that. >> reporter: i figured now was the time to get registered. >> it's easy as a cotton swab.
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you take the swab and rub it inside the cheek for five to ten seconds. these cousins also registered. >> hopefully we can save a life. if not kyle then mopefully someone else. >> reporter: jackie spear came to plea for everybody to get registered. >> a very important way that you can make a statement about your commitment to life, to kyle, to many more children across the country. >> reporter: the donor program has 18 more drives scheduled this month. kyle was going to be here today but had to go to the emergency room. his mother said he is doing okay. >> dozen about 40 people had to be rescue from a fire on liberty island. the coast guard helped everybody. firefighters let the fire burn
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because of the strong winds and lack of vehicle access. >> i haven't seen waves like this i thought it was going it be breezy, gale force winds, hurricane winds. >> about 150 acres burned. the cause is still under investigation. a nonworking smoke detector may have led to a woman's death in the east bay. we went to the scene in bay point and talked to investigators who say there wasn't enough time to get her out. >> just grabbed -- trying to grab everything and the car full of clothes. . >> reporter: personal belongings in the street as residents fled a fire early this morning. >> the neighbors behind the townhouse they were yelling get out, get out. >> reporter: one person didn't make it out. firefighters found the body of a 60-year-old woman in the living room of the home where the fire started. >> we are searching through all of the fire debris in hopes of determining what the cause is. >> reporter: several neighbors said the victim had been
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staying her friend a 62-year- old man who neighbors say has lived in the townhouse for decades. several neighbors said the victim of the fire had been ill and was confined to a bed on the first floor. >> she couldn't walk because she had been really sick. she didn't have a home. her friend was helping her. >> reporter: the man escaped minor burns and told his neighbor about his friend still trapped. >> kept calling laura to get out. the door got locked so he couldn't get her out. at that point the flames were to big. >> reporter: the man said he never heard smoke alarms. >> we are asking everybody to take this as a reminder today that we need to test smoke alarms every month. >> reporter: three town homes were damaged, nine people displaced. anderson said she is counting her blessings. >> thank god we are safe. >> reporter: and saying a prayer for the woman who didn't
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make it. >> authorities are investigating the first homicide of the year for santa clara. it happened around 9:00 this morning near gilroy. sheriff's deputies say that's where they found the victim dead with several gun shot wounds. no word on his identity. witnesses say they saw two people with guns running in the area. so far no arrests have been made. tensions were high today during a foreclosure rally. occupy protesters and others went from bank to bank on mission street demanding an end to foreclosures and evictions of homeowners across the country. they also want banks to stop what they call predatory lending tactics. it's one of the neighborhoods hardest hit by foreclosures. >> in his address the president said the united states economy is make steady
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progress and announced a white house push for more jobs. >> on wednesday the white house will have a forum. we will hear from business laiders bringing jobs back home and see how we can help other businesses follow their lead. >> the president also defended his appointment of richard cordrar as head of the new financial bureau . . democratic house leader rallied local supporters today in san francisco saying the republicans want to crush the middle class. >> and that includes destroying medicare, medicaid and social security. it's impossible to talk about the damage they are trying to do to the country. >> reporter: she warned that democrats have a lot of work to do before 2012 but predicted that the house will regain a democratic majority and that the president will be reelected. she spoke at the foundation for her yearly new year's community
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event. >> volunteers from wild rescue searched the park looking for an injured bird but didn't findt. it has a fishing lure caught in its beak. it could interfere with feeding. if water birds can't clean they can die of hypothermia. if you see the bird contact them and trained rescuers will respond. bird lovers are flocking to get a look at a rare duck. there its. wildlife officials say it was first spotted last month at the wildlife refuge north of sacramento. it's commonly seen in china but it's rare to see one here. officials say they didn't know how it got here but they say it appears to be wild and it's not used to all the attention. >> coming up the military said it was caught off guard by accusations about its treatment
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of prisoners in afghanistan. what investigators say is happening on the united states watch. >> a 4th quarter goal line stand. the last minute effort being made to keep the 49ers from building a new stadium. >> temperatures warmed across the entire bay area today. coming up the neighborhoods that will approach 70 for sunday and how long the dry weather pattern remains in play.
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. stinging accusations tonight from afghanistan investigators claiming the united states army is a bossing afghanistan detainees held in the american run prison. the united states military responded to the accusations with surprise. >> reporter: an investigation charging that hundreds of suspected militants captured by united states forces and held north of kabul are abused and held without justice. >> some of the prisoners complained about abuse. others complained about torture, some about the use of gas against them.
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others complained about a lack of access to lawyers. >> reporter: the president of afghanistan spoke thursday demand that the united states turnover all detainees to their country. afghanistan's repeat that today. >> the jurisdiction should belong to afghanistan and the legal right of this nation and the hand over should happen as soon as possible. >> reporter: united states and afghanistans had been working a timetable to transfer responsibility for the prison over the next two years. united states troops are on schedule to withdraw from the country in 2014. a united states embassy spokesman seemingly blind sided by the report saying american officials only received the report after their press briefing, we will certainly take seriously the report and study it. add that the united states is committed to working with the afghanistan government to turnover detainees in a responsible manner. this dispute has unearthed issues around the united states
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detention center in cuba. there the united states continues to hold many detainees without charging them with a specific crime. in new york, fox news. >> in other news of the world in syria a large government organized funeral was held for the 26 that died in a bomb attack yesterday. some of those killed were security forces. the government said it'll strike back with an iron fist against the bombers but anti government protesters said the government is to blame for the blast and they say 27 were killed in clash was security forces. from nigeria the head of the christian association said his community will take all necessary steps to defend itself against a wave of killings by islamic extremists. in the last few days at least 44 have been killed, 15 today in a church attack. a group has claimed
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responsibility. the crisis come as they prepare for another political confrontation. from new zealand more bad news about a grounded cargo ship. the ship split in two, spilling shipping containers in to the sea and raising new concerns of an oil spill when it grounded over a thousand tons of fuel spilled in to the ocean killing up to 20,000 sea birds. nearly 400-tons of oil remain on board. some are calling the worst environmental disaster in their history. >> tens of thousands of people are on the move trying to escape tribe on tribe violence in sudan. aid groups launching a major emergency operation. the government said six thousand armed men are targeting the rural community. the un said at least three villages were burned to the ground. no official death toll but estimates are that thousands have been killed since last month. now they need water, food and shelter. >> i think the problem we face
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in that particular area of the state was one of access because there are no roads, because we have unsufficient helicopters. >> the un said the tensions are fueled by fights over grazing land and water rights. news about a settlement connection with one of the most known episodes involving blackwater guards in iraq. the suit stems the september 2007 incident when blackwater guards opened fire in a crowded square. 17 died including women and children. the suit announced today settles a lawsuit brought by six families. a 9-year-old was killed in the shooting. the united states gave his father ten thousand dollars. the father actually returned half of it saying should go to the family of an american soldier killed in the war.
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>> if you build it they will come. not so fast. the latest and newest movement to stop the future home of the 49ers. >> and oakland a top place to go? the surprise ranking for the city and how it earned that.
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. the 49ers and the city of santa clara are moving forward but others are still fighting. mike reports on a last ditch drive. >> good morning. how are you? >> reporter: you could say it's 4th and ten. >> it's a financing agreement. >> reporter: late in the game. down a score. >> they are paying nothing for their stadium. . >> reporter: and this team is looking for a come back. >> $850 million in loans. we are a small city of 114,000 people. that's to much debt.
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>> reporter: members hit the streets trying to get 4500 plus signatures part of a drive to stop this from being built and today some residents were signing on. >> all of our foundries bringing into will go to the stadium instead of schools, education, where it should be going. . >> reporter: back in june of 2010 voters approved measure j, basically giving the green light for the niners to build the stadium here. the reason this group is out here today is because they feel the voters just weren't well informed about how much that stadium would cost, close to one billion dollars. >> because it's so different we have been hearing people who supported and say this isn't what i voted for. >> reporter: the stadium authority approved $850 million in loans needed to build the stadium. >> it just take that kind of money to do that. >> reporter: if the drive is
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successful santa clara could vote on the issue again in a special election that could happen as early as this summer. >> i just think in the long run, i'm not sure it's going to benefit the city completely. >> reporter: they have ten days left to get the signature. ktvu channel 2news. >> meantime the 49ers have overcome one of the last hurdles to the stadium project. in details released today they will pay $12.5 million for use of the great american parking lot during football games. it settles a lawsuit by the company that owns the park. fans will be able to park and tailgate on the main lot. the city council will vote on the deal on tuesday and is expected to approve it. >> a marketing company in colorado said it would cost $1.5 billion to hold the winter olympics in 2022. it's already making a run for the same games. it last hosted them 1960.
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denver is scheduled to decide with in a 90 day period if they will continue its bid for the games. the committee is expected to pick a host city in 2015. move over san francisco, travel editors from the timings have named oakland as one as the top places in the world to visit in 2012. the paper describes a the night life scene, since the protest dominated the headlines especially because of the restaurants. oakland has even lured a few star chefs across the bay. the list includes san diego and tahoe for its skiing and the places to go this year. >> a las vegas restaurant is giving gamblerring a new way to spend their winnings, it sells for 5,000 dollars at the restaurant. it's a kobe beef patty with duck, with truffles.
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a world renowned chef said it's worth every penny. if you hit the jackpot here in vegas you have to stop here and you have to try the ultimate experience. >> the combination includes a limited edition of wine. and a new study suggests binge drinking could be contagious. more than 200 dating couples were surveyed found they could predict a drinking pat rubassed on -- pattern based on one person . . >> a teen run away wrongfully deported is back home in the united states tonight. the 15-year-old arrived in dallas last night after eight months in columbia. she ran away from home in april of last year. she was arrested later for shop lifting said she was an
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undocumented immigrant. an investigation is underway into how authorities let it happen. washington's mount ranier park reopened for the first time since a ranger was killed. today families played in the national park and it was peaceful. they say it was pain. toto reopen the park after an iraq war veteran shot and killed margaret anderson. the 34-year-old ranger was a wife and mother. the gunman was found dead on monday. there will be a individuall for anderson in the park tomorrow. >> getting a premium parking spot could soon cost. ferry officials scheduled to discuss a 65-dollar monthly fee to park in one of the 160 spots located closer to the dock. it would bring in 12 5,000 dollars to the golden gate bridge district which is facing a five-year, 87 million-dollar deficit. >> the 49ers know tonight who
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their next opponent will be. >> and will be get another round of this very warm temperature? look at the wind out there. mark will tell us if the dry spell will continue. ♪ jumbaco! jumbaco! jumba-jum- jack, i don't know why you keep pushing the jumbaco. research shows normal people like the jumbo deal. your classic jumbo jack made with 100% beef, two tacos, fries and a drink for just $4.29. it's all their favorites in one meal. they killed my jumbaco idea? i tried.
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. we are looking outside. the flag getting a work out this evening. all day with winds gusting at least right now from around 15 to 25 miles an hour and with that temperatures actually up quite a bit. at least in the 10:00 area. a few low 60s toward napa, oakland, san francisco and livermore. as far as the current wind speeds these are the
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sustainedder reports, gust around 20 toward fairfield and napa. i checked the wind gusting to around 64 miles an hour. of course that's nearly 4,000 feet. as far as highs today you can seat warm numbers, 60s and a few 70s toward santa rosa, oakland, hayward, san jose in the upper 60's. a beautiful sunset. few high clouds in to parts of the bay area. you can see the time l aps e here and right now we have partly cloudy skies with mostly clear skies. tonight that clear forecast but still windy conditions, especially up in the hills, tomorrow more sun. it'll be on the warm side and the extended forecast, still a dry weather pattern. winds could creep back up toward midweek. as far as offer night lows, won't be as cold in parts of the north bay. napa mainly in the mid40s. vallejo at 48 to start out sunday san jose in the mid40s
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at 45's. the coolest locations in concord and morgan hill. we have been talking about this area of high pressure, keeping us dry for so long. there is a weather system out to the east and as the air rushing the high to the low, generated the wind for today. as the low weakens -- as it moves out of town we have a decrease in the winds for tomorrow but still breeziy conditions. lots of sun. temperatures back up in to the 60s. warmest locations approaching the 70s. here is a look at the numbers, santa rosa around 69, san jose at 66, and san mateo at 65. the temperatures will check in around 3:00 tomorrow afternoon. here is a look ahead. the extended forecast and you will notice this, cold mornings as we head into monday and also into tuesday. lots of sun sunday, just a few small changes w will bring back the gusty winds, especially for the higher terrain for tuesday and wednesday. partly cloudy skies on thursday
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and still no rain clouds on the five-day forecast, even into next weekend it could be dry but maybe by the 15th and beyond we could have changes but still nothing we can't just say for sure just yet. >> we still have quite a bit of winter left. february and even march could be a wet month. >> thank you. >> the 49ers find out who they will play next saturday in the nfl playoffs. >> and the warriors try to their losing streak. in a shopping cart. so 2005. wait, what? and only 3 likes? honey, it's embarrassing. carol's son got over 12 million views on that dancing squirrel video.
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don't you want that? i...i suppose. now go make your dad and me proud. try something funny. [ male announcer ] now everyone's up to speed. get high speed internet for $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one year term. at&t.
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. good evening.
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welcome to sports wrap. it was in question for a half tonight but in the end the 49ers got the first round playoff opponent most thought they would get. drew and the saints undefeated at home this year. matthew stafford and the lions the upset minded up starts. they had everybody's attention when stafford found johnson with this touchdown pass in the second. detroit had a 14-10 lead at the half. the lions had no answer for the saint's offense in the second half. to much time for brees to find henderson with a 41-yard strike. since in front. detroit still in it in the 4th quarter trailing 24-21 but darron gets loose and make itself a ten point game. he had two touchdowns and then the saints made it look silly. the lions forget to act for him. that's a 56 -- 626 yards


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